Cuccuma: Banner
Clapton Welcomes Refugees: A poster for a refugee fundraiser pub quiz in Hackney, London


Graphic Design






Open | Connected | Wholesome

For my friends at “Clapton Welcomes Refugees", a local community group made of young people living in East London, I designed a poster and social media content to advertise their fundraising pud quiz event around East London. They are supporting a refugee family to settle in Hackney in 2023, and have found a home for the family, will greet them at the airport, and then work with family members to help them learn English, access education/employment, and settle into life in the community. After the pub quiz they had raised a total of £19,000, all of which will go directly towards funding this great cause.

I designed a simple and inclusive illustration of two arms hugging in the background of the poster, which could also be seen as one person's hand reaching to help another person's hand, symbolising the support and connectedness the group are creating from the local community towards the refugees. I chose a yellow inspired by the group's existing logo which often signifies joy and hope, and complimented this with a muted and calming purple.

Clapton Welcomes: Poster in shop window
Clapton Welcomes: Poster Yellow
Clapton Welcomes: Poster Purple
Clapton Welcomes: Poster in shop window
Clapton Welcomes: Poster next to bike